PgAdmin 4 Windows Download
Complete Rewrite with Python and JavaScript
Enhanced User Experience for PostgreSQL Management
WEB pgAdmin 4 is a groundbreaking update to the popular database management tool, offering a complete rewrite using Python and JavaScript. This innovative architecture brings enhanced performance, flexibility, and a user-friendly experience for managing your PostgreSQL databases.
WEB The highlight of pgAdmin 4 lies in its desktop runtime, written in NWjs, allowing it to run seamlessly across different platforms. This installer conveniently includes PostgreSQL server, pgAdmin (a graphical tool for database management), and StackBuilder for added functionality.
WEB With pgAdmin 4, you gain access to a comprehensive suite of features for managing your databases. The file browser, query tool, and dashboard provide an intuitive interface for exploring, editing, and analyzing your data efficiently. The enhanced user interface and intuitive design make pgAdmin 4 ideal for both beginners and experienced database administrators.